Sunday, December 9, 2007

Photographer Error But Still Beautiful

Sometimes a picture, though imperfect, tells a perfect story. Such was the case with this sole shot that I took, trying to shoot indoors without a flash.

The picture is technically imperfect, but the focus of the picture still shines through. Erin's soft, sexy sole.

Milky smooth, young and deliscious, you just want to run your tongue along that slightly wrinkled arch... the take each tender toe gently into your mouth... Let your fingers gently caress and even brush away the stray piece of lint.

This picture has been an exclusive at the "inner circle", and though some of the exclusives I put there may never see the light of this blog... the more I looked at this picture the more I realized that it needs to be enjoyed at the larger setting that is available only through the blog.

Click on this picture and enjoy! And realize that Erin, my beautiful model, can make up for equipment problems or bad photography! :D

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