Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Inner Circle: Part Two

The new Yahoo group is gaining in members who have professed their love for Erin's feet. If you think you're worthy to join; and are willing to tell her and me why you want to be at Erin's feet, then click the link: and apply for membership.

We are getting ready to offer some items for sale at the group; so anybody who is interested in owning a piece of Erin's aura... old sandals, worn socks and the like... or just an autographed picture to have by your bed or computer... make sure you check that out as well. (We will make some items available to anyone, but there will be a few items that are exclusive to her most fervent followers.)

And that gets us to the next point. We want to know what you want. What are your fantasies? When you see those tender size 9 feet, what goes through your mind? I think we're all here because we love Erin and her feet, so keeping that in mind, give us your answer. If you have questions if it's an acceptable thing to post, email it to me and I'll let you know; better than me having to delete it I think...

And a last thought, is there something that you'd like Erin to offer? Let us know that too; might be she'll think it's cool and do it for you. There will be some things we won't want her to do, but don't be afraid to ask. If you don't ask, we won't know; right? :D

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